Saturday 23 January 2010

Labor - Induce Naturally or C-Section Again?

If you are planning a VBAC, how should you start labor.Induce naturally or in a hospital? Is it true that "Once a caesarean, always a caesarean?" What are your chances of inducing natural labor successfully?

A lot depends on why you had your first caesarean section. If the reason applied only to that pregnancy, e.g. pre-eclampsia or your baby was breech, you can try to have your next baby vaginally. About three quarters of women who have had one caesarean go on to have a vaginal birth next time.

Advantages of VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Caesarean)

• You avoid the risks of caesarean birth - These include infection in the incision, blood clots and adhesions. These risks are much greater when you have had a previous caesarean (or other abdominal surgery).

• Shorter recovery time - You are likely to spend fewer days in the hospital after a VBAC than you would after a repeat C-section. You will have much less pain after the birth. Your energy and stamina will return more quickly as well.

• More participation in the birth - For some, VBAC is more emotionally satisfying than a repeat C-section. It may give you a sense of achievement especially if you were disappointed about having a C-section earlier.

• Earlier bonding with your baby. You may get to hold your baby sooner than you would after a repeat C-section. Words cannot describe the beautiful feeling I experienced when I first held and breastfed my baby soon after birth.

• Higher success rate in future - Women who have previously had vaginal birth, and in particular a successful VBAC, have an even higher rate of success for planned VBAC of 87 to 90 per cent.

VBAC success rates are lower if you have your labor induced, particularly with prostaglandins. Induction puts a greater strain on your scar and makes uterine rupture two to three times more likely than if you induce natural labor.

However, there are many methods to bring on labor. Induce naturally with a proven and effective method called acupressure. It gives effective labour pain relief without slowing down or stalling labour. It also helps you have an easier, safer and shorter birth. Click here for an easy to follow step by step acupressure guide for inducing natural labor.